Friday, September 7, 2012

Flora of Wolayta

Flora of Wolayta

For a visitor coming from the north by the shashemene-Arbaminch road or through the Addis-Hosanna Road, through the Arid dusty savanna sparsely covered by thorny plants, or from the south through the hilly and mountainous territory of Gammo, the Wolayta zone appears like a paradise (wanderheym 1896:162).
The vegetation is abundant through the year with eucalyptus, pines, acacia, magnolias, fire trees, and enormous sycamores mingled with false banana (Utta).

Grass, at the end of the rainy season, can be as high as three meters. The variety of trees and colors make the region very impressive, and all travelers comment on its beauty (Leontief 1900:292; Du Bourg 1906; Pascal de luchon, march 29, 1930 and December 25, 1937).

Du Bourg wrote enthusiastically about Wolayta:

“The indications of the richness are abundant all around the villages: large fields of cereal surround them, and above all, the large cotton plantations.
Here is the cotton country, the country where the Ethiopian mantles are prepared, where this plant grows, which together, with the coffee is the source of the present Ethiopian wealth and which will become the great product of the exportation in the near future.
“Maize, wheat, durra, barley, and teff are cultivated all over the area…for many of them can reap two harvests per year” (gaslini 1940:986).

All medetranian trees grow and bear fruit grapes,apples,pears,peahes,apricots,oranges,tangerines,bananas,papyas,avocados,etc –with impressive production all year round.

There are no forests, but a great variety of non-indigenous trees in the region: bamboo, eucalyptus, and euphorbia grow naturally in steep and arid soil and are used for fire and the milky liquid is used as a poison.
Greatly appreciated are the fern, because of its resistance to terminate and the wild olive. A softer tree (ochiyaa), with leaves like the olive, is used for fences and domestic purposes.

The most appreciated of all is the very hard wood of the (gassa) which is heavy and strong as iron. Its wood is made into the long sticks used for tilling because it can penetrate the most arid soil.

Sugar cane and a light fibrous wood (kaytariya or deshsha loomiyaa) are used as tooth brush culturally; a pleasant smelling wood (susungiyaa) is used in coffee, and the aromatic (natra) is added to butter for cosmetics. Many kinds of mushrooms are used either alone or mixed with raw meat.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Geography of Wolayta

Wolayta is one one of the 13 Zonal Adminstartions of the Southern Region In Ethiopia,Located 400 kilometers south of Addis Ababa.

Wolayta is limited north west by Tambaro,east ward by Bilate river which divides it from Arsi-Oromo,South ward by Lake Abaya and Kucha,west ward by Omo river.

The vegetation and very comfortable climate of the large part of the region are conditioned by an over all elevation of between 1,500 and 1,800 meters above the sea level.There are,however,five mountains higher than 2,000 meters,with Mount Damota---at 3,000 meters---at the center.

Through mildly undulating hills,one can travel through the whole area with out difficulty,there are no Large forest except in the Soddo Zuriya,and  Omo river basin,which is well below 1500 meters and a malaria zone.

In the local view ,there are only two regions: the highlands(Geziyaa) and the lowlands(Garaa). In the highlands,there are numerous streams and small rivers.Several thermal hot springs are situated around lake abaya,with boling and steaming water which is believed to cure diseases.The ajora waterfalls are a majestic scene of the wilderness,like damota precipices.

The soil of the Wolayta is of heavy red color which becomes brown and black during the rains and has the fragility and the softness of sand.the dry period makes the soil hard as brick,one reason why people can plough and dig only after the rains.One can hardly find any stone except on the river banks,whose soil is light and easy to excavate.the layer of soil is very deep--an average of 30 meters--in both the plains and the hills,as verified during the drilling of wells.The soil is very fertile and produce two crops per year when the rains are regular.


The climate is stable,with temprature variation between 24 and 30 degree centigrades during the day and 16 to 20 at night,all year round.The dry,temprature heat makes the climate simplly “delicious”(hodson 1970:33).
The year is divided in to two seasons:the wet season(balguwa) from June to October,and the dry season(boniya) from October to June,broken in February by a short period of so called “little rains”(baddessa).The average rain fall for the entire region is 1350 millimeters per year(WADU 1977-1978:table 1).

The dry season is characterized by a strong wind which blows from the east;the sky is absolutelly blue and rarelly crossed by small white clouds.At night the sky is so tranparent that it seems to hold twice the number of starts as in European or American skies.

During the heavy seasons,heavy precipitation and violent storms which,at the end of the season can list a full evining or night ,are common events.

I never witnessed a full day of rain.Fog can be seen in the valleys almost every morning of the rainy season;it then evaporates in the first hours of the sun.
In both seasons either hail which destroys crops or tornadoes,which Knoch down trees are possible events.

Wolayta is Heaven to be Visited
From the Book Entitled(Wolayta)

Monday, July 30, 2012

Gedle Tekle Haymanot

Abune Teklehaymanot

This is  story of the saint Abune Teklehaymanot as it is presented in the official website of Saint Teklehaymanot Coptic orthodox church in Egypt.

The king Motolomi is one of the Kings of Wolayta Mala Dynasty.
I will come up with the wolaita version of these wrongly presented History.For the time being Read this one:

Part 1: His Family
"And the Angel of the Lord spoke unto Philip, saying, "Arise, and go toward the south unto the way that goeth down from Jerusalem unto Gaza, which is desert". He arose and went."
"And, behold, a man of Ethiopia, an eunuch of great authority under Candace queen of the Ethiopians, who had the charge of all her treasure, and had come to Jerusalem for to worship, Was returning, and sitting in his chariot read Esaias the prophet".
Philip baptized that eunuch after he told him about Jesus, his incarnation, his crucifixion and his ascension. The eunuch transferred this faith to his country, but some of the Jewish traditions remained.
By the beginning of the 4th century, Bishop "Athnasious" ordained "Fromenteuos" as a Bishop over Ethiopia and was called Bishop "Salama". The holy secrets were taken to Ethiopia, and since then the Ethiopian church is affiliated to Saint Marc's church in Alexandria.                     Divider
In the 13th century, a Christian family lived in Ethiopia; the husband who was a priest and loved Jesus very much was called "Sagaz Ab" (=the gift of faith), and the wife who was very rich and loved the poor was called "Sarah".
Their patron saint was the Archangel "Michael", and they used to make a feast for him on the 12th of every Coptic month by having a mass and after that a banquet for the poor.
The wife was sterile and that was why she always prayed to God for a child. "Sarah" used to spend her time in church, busy reading the bible and the psalms. She did her best with the poor and they called her "Agzaharia" (=the choice of God).
One day "Sarah" thought of giving their money to the poor and liberating their slaves, and she told "Sagaz Ab" this, hence they did that.                     Divider
صورة اختطاف سارة والدة القديس تكلا هيمانوت ليتزوجها الملك  Image of kidnapping of Sarah (Saint Takla Haimanout 's mother) so the kind could marry herAfter many years of peace, a pagan called "Motmely" ruled the land of "Damoot" and "Shawa". He closed many churches and tried to revive the worship of idols.
One day "Talanece" (the place where "Sagaz Ab" and "Sarah" lived) was attacked. When the soldiers entered the country, "Sarah" was frightened and the people ran away from place to another.
"Sagaz Ab" took a route to hide and was followed by a soldier who wanted to kill him, until they reached a nearby lake, so "Sagaz Ab" threw himself in the lake to hide from the soldier asking the Archangel Michael to help him through this. At once he felt the water over him as if it’s a tent sheltering him, and the Archangel appeared to strengthen him. And when "Sagaz Ab" did not show up for a long time, the soldier thought he was drowned and went back.
The Archangel told "Sagaz Ab" that the soldier went away and hence he got out of the lake. At that time the Archangel Michael told "Sagaz Ab" that he was saved because of his child to be. He told him of great secrets about the child and carried him back to the town, and this was on 12th of Baramhat.
When the priest went back, he found that all the houses had been stolen either of money or of people. Among the latter was his wife "Sarah" who was kidnapped by the soldiers who wanted to give her as a present to their king "Montemely".
When the king saw the face of the saint "Agzaharia", he ordered for the richest clothes and precious jewels for her, and to be kept in the city of gods until their wedding.
"Sagaz Ab" was in great misery and sadness for what happened to his wife whom he loved very much, and was afraid of the evil king, but he went to the house of God at once. He went into the church and kneeled before the Holy Alter and cried and sobbed a lot while he prayed to God to save his wife.                     Divider
On the 22nd of Baramhat, "Sagaz Ab" was having a mass and he put his wife's name "Sarah" forward to God, and all the congregation prayed for her. While he was moving around the church he saw a woman in precious clothes praying in great fear and awe to God.
When he finished he went to talk to all the new faces that came to the church, and among them this woman. He asked her where she was from, she told him that she had heard of a man called "Sagaz Ab" whose wife was taken and kidnapped and hence she came to be his wife! Then the priest crossed and told her that priests do not remarry, and that God would protect his wife and would return her safely to him.
"Sarah" smiled happily for her husband's faith and told him she was his wife and took off the veil that covered his face. Her husband was surprised and asked her how she had come. She told him that the Angel had saved her and got her to the church. The two kneeled before God in the church and thanked Him for his protection. In the evening all the congregation came when they heard of the return of "Sarah" and they all prayed glorifying God for his great love.
Then she told him that she prayed for her safety, and Michael, the Archangel came to her to tell her that she would return for the sake of her son. When the wedding ceremony started and finished, and the people congratulated the king, there was lightening and thunder. The king got mad and the angel saved her and got her to the church.
At night "Sagaz Ab" had a dream where he saw the sun and a lot of stars in their bedroom and the next day the Archangel told them of the coming of their son.
In the morning they gave most of all they had to the poor and they used to make a feast for the archangel every month on the 12th of Kiahk.

Part 2: His Birth
صورة عائلة القديس تكلا هيمانوت: الأب ساجا زاب و الأم سارة، مع شفيع الأسرة الملاك ميخائيل - أيقونة موزايك عمل الفنان الراحل إيزاك فانوس في كنيسة الأنبا تكلا هيمانوت بالإبراهيمية بالإسكندرية بمصر     Image of St. Takla Himanot's family (Father Saga Zab, and Mother Sara) - a Mosaic icon by the late Isaac Fanous, at St. Takla COC, Ibrahimia, Alexandria, EgyptOn the 24th of Kiahk, "Sarah" gave birth to a beautiful son and called him "The happiness of Sehioun", or " The happiness of the churches". There were many miracles done by him; like when he talked when he was only 3 days old. He was baptized on his 40th day.
After a year and a half, there was a terrible famine that his parents couldn't make the following feast for Michael the Archangel. One day, the mother was praying to God so that she could do anything for the feast of the Archangel. While she was carrying her baby, he wiped her tears and pointed to the kitchen where some flour in a plate were present. He put his hands in the flour and it poured and poured, that the mother gathered every container she had in the house. And the same happened with the ghee, oil and honey. This was on the 12th of Baramhat.
God also gave him the gift of studying the psalms and the Holy Bible.

صورة القديس تكلا هيمانوت يظهر له السيد المسيح ويغير اسمه إلى فرح صهيون - أيقونة موزايك عمل الفنان الراحل إيزاك فانوس في كنيسة الأنبا تكلا هيمانوت بالإبراهيمية بالإسكندرية بمصر     Image of Jesus Christ appearing to St. Tekla Himanout and changing His name to Farah Sohioun - a Mosaic icon by the late Issac Fanos, at St. Takla COC, Ibrahimia, Alexandria, EgyptOne night Michael, the Archangel appeared to Pope "Kyrillos" of "Ethiopia" in a dream, and told him that the next day a dark colored man would go to him, and would kneel before him. That man had a blessed son, and he was chosen for heaven and he was great before God.. "Consecrate him as a Deacon, then leave him go peacefully", he said. 
After this was done while the father and the son were returning, the son asked a group of people for a place to spend the night. One of the group insulted him and hit him without cause. The son shouted asking the help of the Archangel and the man was greatly harmed. The son couldn't bear that because he was full of the Holy Spirit, and he prayed for the man to be cured and the angel cured him, so he believed in God and all his friends and family. 
While the son and the father were getting back, (after spending the night at "Amhara") their water was finished and the food became less; so the saint prayed aside and God then created a spring so they could drank from. 
The saint's parents wanted him to get married, but he refused because he dedicated himself completely to God. So they accepted, but the girl stayed with them at their home (according to the traditions at these countries), but she stayed a virgin as she wished too.. 

Part 4: His Priesthood
Then he became a priest and his prayers and fasting increased. He stayed with his father until his mother passed away on the 12th of Mesra. Then his father passed away too. 
One day while he was practicing his hobby of hunting in the woods, God appeared to him held on the wings of angels saying: "I am your God who protected you since your childhood… Now you hunt people instead of animals. From now your name will be "Takla Hemanoat"." Then the heavenly insight disappeared. 
صورة القديس تكلا هيمانوت يشفى الشعب، و يحارب الشيطان بقوة الله - لوحة موزايكو حائطية عمل الفنان الراحل ايزاك فانوس في كنيسة الأنبا تكلا هيمانوت بالإبراهيمية بالإسكندرية بمصر     Image of Saint Tekle Himanout healing the sick, and fighting Satan - a Mosaic fresco by the late Issac Fanos, at St. Takla COC, Ibrahimia, Alexandria, EgyptThe saint heard that in "Ketana" the people worship a tree that is haunted by a devil which they fear. They were also controlled by a group of magicians. So he went there and prayed until the devil cried out: "Send Takla Hemanoat away. He is dangerous". Then the saint asked for the help of the Archangel and hence asked the tree to follow him. Its roots made a sound like thunder while it was moving and a lot of people were afraid and the roots killed a lot on the road. The devil shouted asking the saint why he was torturing him and if it wasn't enough that he left the land of "Talanes"? The saint asked the devil to confess before all the people that he was cheating and to tell them who the real God is, so the devil confessed that Jesus Christ is the real God. 
The saint started preaching the people and they were all baptized. They were 111,500. They constructed a church and had their communion. As for the people who were killed by the devil; Saint Takla prayed to God to arise them from the dead. God answered his prayers. The saint baptized about 60,000 people and all "Ketana" became Christians.. 
While the saint was devoted to praying and fasting in the desert, he heard a voice calling him 3 times asking him to go to "Damout" because there are many people there who needed preaching. Saint Takla was asked to build a church under the name of Virgin Mary there. 
While he was on his way to "Damout", Saint Takla Haymanot was haunted by many devils and he crossed himself to force them away. When he got there, he started breaking all the statues that the people worship. 
The saint knew that the son of the prince was haunted by a devil; so he prayed for him and the devil got out in the shape of a monkey. The prince believed in Christ and was baptized along with his wife and son. Saint Takla was able to cure a lot of diseases and got out devils by praying to God. 
When king "Montemly" heard that Saint Takla baptized his son, he was very sad and sent his soldiers to the prince to extradite Saint Takla, but the  prince refused. So the king sent more soldiers to get the prince and the saint. 
When they reached the king, they were tortured a lot, but God's angel cured them. Then they were thrown in a cave full of monsters, but again God's angel got them out safely. Then the king himself tried to throw a spear at Saint Takla, but his hand was paralyzed and he cried of pain. The king then ordered the two men to be hanged on two trees. But when the saint was hanged by the neck in the tree, it bent till the saint's feet reached the ground, and there were holy lights from heaven and people saw angels… All this happened till the king at last believed in God and was baptized.   

Part 5: His Monasticism
أيقونة قبطية أثرية لرئيس الملائكة الجليل الملاك ميخائيل شفيع أسرة القديس الأنبا تكلا هيمانوت  Image: Ancient Coptic icon of Archangel Michael, the patron saint os Saint Takla Haymanout's familyThen one day Jesus Christ appeared to the saint and told him to go to the land of "Amhara" and stay in its monastery until He talks to him again and told him that Michael the Archangel would be with him. 
On his way to the land of "Amhara", Saint Takla met a monk and they both went to the monastery on a holy cloud prepared by God till they reached there in two days instead of several months. 
When the saint was known all over the place, he asked God to protect him from pride, so Michael the Archangel appeared to him and told him to go to the monastery of "Saint Stephans". On the way he saw a deep river that he couldn't cross, so an angel appeared to him and asked him to follow him on the surface of the water. The angel disappeared and the saint appeared as if he was walking on land, until he reached the other side. He lived there in great awe; always praying and fasting. 
One night God showed him the happiness and the glory of the saints in heaven and he became very happy; specially that he always remembered and imagined the souls of the saints. 
From there Saint Takla Hemanoat got out to the land of the "Fakharany" with the guidance of the angel. He went there to a saint monk called "John" and remained there under his guidance for 12 years in the monastery of "Adgway". 
The angel appeared to the saint and asked him to go to a cave down the valley. The saint said goodbye to the head monk of the monastery and all the monks went out to see him off. The monks were used to tying whoever gets down with a rope (since the monastery was on top of a hill). While Saint Takla was going down, the rope was cut and the monks were terrified, but they saw six wings getting out from his sides, and carried him until he reached the ground. The monks got back glorifying God for his greatness and for protecting his people.                     Divider
Our saint got down to a big desert, and he found there many saints who were used to fasting for five days and do not eat any food; but they were used to eating from the desert plants and drink from the dew drops on Saturdays and Sundays. He visited many monasteries and churches and he was very keen on visiting Jerusalem, so he went there and saw where Jesus was baptized. 
Then the angel of God appeared to Saint Takla telling him to go to the land of "El-Sofan" where his grave would be, and there he should build a church bearing his name.                     Divider
He last settled in the land of "Shawiry" where he built his well-known monastery known as "Elbianos". Many people followed him and became Monks. He exerted a lot of effort in praying and fasting and kneeling before God. He even used to pray standing on one foot; the right one, until his leg was broken! His monks took it and covered it. He never got out of his cave, but remained there till his death. 

Part 6: His Death
صورة القديس العظيم أنبا تكلاهيمانوت الحبشي القس  Picture of The Great Saint Tekle Haymanout the EthiopianWhen Saint Takla's days came to an end, and his body turned like a burned piece of wood, God appeared to him and told him that he would die of plague, and he would go to heaven with three of his followers. 
When it was time for him to die, he got sick of the plague as well as three other monks. He saw God, Virgin Mary and many angels headed by the Archangel Michael.. And his cave was lighted with heavenly light, and it was full of a nice scent and his soul was carried to heaven. This was on 24th of Mesra, at the age of 99 years and 8 months. 
His followers took his body and mummified it and he was buried in his cave. He remained there outside the monastery for 56 years. In the 57th year, Saint Takla Hemanoat appeared to Pope "Hezkial" (who was "Elishah", his follower) and told him to move his body to the monastery, and he did. 
There was a great celebration and the saint told them of a sign that after they carry his body around the alter three times, the lamp would light by its own, and when that happened, everybody was happy. While the people were touring with the body of the saint, a man was tripped over by the people because it was crowded. His leg was broken; but once he touched the body of the saint, he was cured and went walking as if nothing happened. Saint Takla's body was buried under the alter in the church that bears his name in the monastery of "Libanous" in "Shawa". 

Friday, June 15, 2012

The History of Wolayta and The History Subject Curriculum

The Kingdom of Wolayta dates back to the pre-historic times.

'Kawo Motole(Motolomi) is one of the famous King of Wolayta who ruled most part of the present day Ethiopia in the 12th Century Under The Damot Kingdom.His Dynasty is called Wolayta Mala dynasty
Dates and rulers not known of this Kingdom is Unknown .Its believed that this Kingdom came to an end due to the Great Oromo Expansion(Migration).

The Kingdom that took over from Wolayta mallas is known as Wolayta Tigre Kawoteta(Kingdom) which has stayed in power until the final conquest of the state by Kawo Menelik of Abyssinia.The list of the Rulers of this Kingdom includes the following

while the first is believed to be Kawo Michaela
16th century                               Kawo Girma
17th century|                              Kawo Gazeygna
17th century                               Kawo Addayo
18th century                               Kawo Kote            
18th century                               Kawo Libana
1761                                         Kawo Tube
1761 to 1800                             Kawo Ogatto
1800 to 1835                             Kawo Amado
1835 to 1845                             Kawo Damota
1845 to 1886                             Kawo Gobe
1886 to c.1890                          Kawo Gaga
1890 to ''October 1895              Kawo Tona

Wolayta is Conquered by Kawo Menelik and became part of Ethiopia as of 1984.

I wish I learned this back in Elementary school.

The History curriculum of Wolayta should be re-Designed !!!!!

As i have discussed in my previous post the current Goverment in the country has fully acknowledged the multi - ethnic identity of the dwellers of the country.we have different culture, different language but One country.
The constitution has granted the basic Human rights which is part  of the United nations Human right charters.

One of this basic Right mentioned both in The united Nations Human rights Charter and The Ethiopian Constitution is  the right to learn in Native language in Elementary School and Beyond.
I learned in my native language starting from Grade 1,and I feel really lucky to get this chance and I want all Ethiopians to have the same Experience.

My Point here today is that We as wolaytans have Our Own History that we don't share with the rest of the Country.We don't share the Abyssinian leaders like Kawo Tewodros,Kawo Yohannes,etc.We had our own History and Our own Kings i firmly believe that this is what should be part of the History curriculum for schools in Wolayta.

The curriculum even in the High schools and Beyond i believe should be given in the following Order

1.Wolayta History
2.Ethiopian History
3.African History
4.World History

Wolayta History is presented Just in One paragraph in High school History Books.This is absolute disgrace.
If any  Kid from Wolayta have to learn history he have to learn about the History of Wolayta in detail first ,then About Ethiopian History and beyond.

I believe this idea will be shared by all of the wolaytas and Action will be taken.

Wolayta Damota

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Derogatory Names


Let us see some genuine definition for some of these names.

Oromo (Galla)
17th century History writer Ludolf   [Ludolf 1682:107] describes the origin of the word Oromo and Galla as a follows.
The Galla, who call themselves Oromo, are as uncertain about their origin of their name as anthropologists. ‘Oroma’ means foreigner not relative; ‘gala’ means stranger who is guest; ’galla’ is stranger who joins the tribe, ’gala’ does also mean go home, also means the one who goes home.

Tigray (‘Agame’)
The Agame (Amharic meaning="fruitful") is a former province in northern Ethiopia, now part of the Tigray Region. Its inhabitants include the Irob people, a region where tradition states the legendary Makeda (the Queen of Sheba) was born and raised. The aristocratic house had its capital at Adigrat. Agame also includes Zalambessa; a piece of land Ethiopia and Eritrea have recently fought over. (Wikipedia)

 Wolayta (‘Wolamo’)
The name ‘wolaheta’ does mean to come together or to form unity or alliance. The word Wolamo is question, Wolla mo? Can I eat the fruit of Wolla tree [I don’t know the name of the tree in English but its Wolayta name is wolla with edible fruits’].

 Different explanations have been given to these sorts of names from different perspectives but this is not the focus of this article.

The last 100 years
 In the last century, after the central Government of Ethiopia is formally established partially by submission and the rest after bloody war the way these names had been used is in the derogatory sense. These names were used to break down the confidence of the people who finally became the members of the Union so as to make sure they live loyal.
The success of Emperor Minelik to control all of the rival states was ended successful. Minelik was not the first King with the intension of unifying these people with Language and culture differences but with deep rooted similarity. There were continues rivallary, marriage-ties, business interactions, and more in the current Map of Ethiopia which dates back to thousands of years.
Lets us see some of the past Histories of intention and successes of  “unifying” these people briefly and our specific, Wolayta, case in a more detail.
Ø  The Oromo expansion was one of the main examples of the form of unifying success which continued for centuries by Oromo’s
Ø  The agew Dynasty in the north where amhara and Tigre’s were part have unified the north for 120 years.
Ø  King Motole of Wolayta(to be discussed in a little bit of detail) under the Damot Kingdom
Ø  The grange ahmed Control over part of the country and Islamazation of the controlled areas, Under the Somale Leader
Ø  The Yodit Gudit (‘Felasha Queen’) control of the center and North of Ethiopia for long period of time and intention of “unifying”.
Ø  Atse Yohannes of tigre  crowned as the King of the North Ethiopia(Tigre, wollo, Gonder, Gojam)
Ø  And various Rulers from Gojam, Gonder (mainly King Tewodros) etc
These brief examples indicates us the kind of interaction the current Ethiopia had before  Minelik finally controlled the entire Ethiopia and moved his capital to  Addis Ababa.

Damota Kingdom
One of the famous Dynasty of Ruled By kings from Wolayta is Called ‘Damota Kawoteta’ or Kingdom of Damot. As written in one of the History Books
“Damot was a medieval kingdom in what is now Ethiopia , and Neighbour to the Ethiopian Empire. Originally located south of the Abay and west of the Muger River,[1] under the pressure of Oromo attacks the rulers were forced to resettle north of the Abay in southern Gojam between 1574 and 1606.[2]Its earliest mention is in the Gedle or hagiography of the 13th century Saint Tekle Haymanot, which mentions Damot under a governor named Motolomi, who had his palace at a place called Malbarde, and whose territory extended east beyond the Muger as far as the Jimma.
The kingdom finally became 19th century Wolayta Kawoteta or Wolayta Kingdom with loss of its vast territory and Kingdom.”
The presence of names such as ‘Damot terara’ or Damot mountain and Damot District in amhara region,’Xossa’ terara or Tossa mountain still indicates the presence of the Wolayta in the Present amhara region in the form of  “Unifying” forces before Hundred of years. In one of the church Book called Gedle Tekle Haymanot one of the king of the dynast called King Motolomi was portrayed as  ‘Aremenewu ye Wolamo Negus’ .He captured wife of priest and the land and burned churches and brought captured war captives back to his land as slaves. The son of the Amhara priest as in the Hagiographic book or as Wolaytas presents him the son of King Motolomi is the famous Ethiopian saint Abune Tekle Haymanot.

The derogatory Names
The above mentioned  derogatory names were widely used in the last century after Minelik was able to completely surrender all of the rivallary states under the present map. He and the amhara kings after him made sure that the rival states and people throughout the Union are under the amhara-Only Rule. The soldiers of Minelik were given lands in the most fertile parts of the entire controlled territory; the neighboring dwellers were forced to serve these soldiers and their families.  Anyone who is seen  to have acceptance in the society is given equal fortune and power as the soldiers of Minelik so as to ‘Divide and rule’.
for example,one of the best friends of King Menelik was Balcha Aba nefso (‘Oromo’)  while Balcha Aba nefso was being  treated as a king  and close friend an average Oromo was treated as slave in the country. This was true in the entire Union from Tigre to Jinka, from Somale to Gambela. There were beloved from each ethnic group who are crowned while the rest had been manipulated by the Amharas and own-manipulators.
The strange thing about Minelik was that He used the same technique on Other Amhara whom he thought may take over his throne. Gojammes were given Derogatory name which is Buda or ‘Evil Eyed’, and The word Woloye was also used as an insult. The vast majority of Amharas remained peasants while the soldiers and families tied to the rulers benefited in and out of the amhara region.
At the era of Emperor Haile selassie even if the people of Wolayta still didn’t accept the name Wolamo as their name, ’Wolamo awuraja’ was the official name of the Wolayta district without the will of the Wolayta people.
This was changed to some extent at the era of the military Junta though the Dominance of the Amharas from the soldier families and the ruling class with relatively better education continued throughout the regime.

These were the main reasons for the Birth of the following [LIBERATION FRONTS] ---MIND YOU –“LIBERATION FRONTS”.
Eritrean people Liberation Front
Oromo people liberation Front
Tigray people liberation Front
Ogden Liberation Front
Afar people liberation Front
Gambela people Liberation Front
Sidama people liberation front and etc
The fuel of these struggle movements was the abuse of these people by the Continues regimes led by amharas for almost 65 years after the forced unity and in others forms in the derg regime.
The oppressed were not only Non-amhara tribes rather the majority of Amhara were also oppressed. They were peasants, depending on from where they are they were given equivalent torture names as explained above. These oppressed Amharas have also joined the other oppressed people to get rid of the oppressor. It took time but the oppressors failed and falled through scarifies of the people, change has come.

The Greatest surprise of Derogatory Names and their Usage
It’s very important to understand that a person from oromiya do not  feel comfortable if anyone from any ethnic group uses the word ‘Galla’ against him. The same is true for all groups with assigned Derogatory names.
Though this names are given by amhara-leaders to their rivallary to weaken the society psychologically we can meet a Tigre from mekelle using the word ‘Gudella’ as an insult against Hadiya, an Oromo from shashemene using the word ‘Wolamo’ as an insult against the Wolayta, ’the Wolayta from soddo using ‘Agame’ as an insult against ‘Tigre’ and all the possible combinations of people and derogatory names.
 A friend of mine from Gonder once fought with another friend from dessie and insulted him as ante ‘Woloye’. It is funny but my other friend became so angry and started fighting, that is big mess.
 When I was in university I had fight with one of my friends (fight is very childish act-I regret today), he used the word ante ‘Wolamo’ as an insult. I was very much surprised by the attitude of my good friend who always complained of abuse of Amhara soldiers on his ethnic group and family and the usage of the derogatory name ‘Galla’. Then I thought it is not only Amharas who has been using these names against others rather Tigres used this name against Gambela, Sidama used against Hadiya and all possible combinations.
 I remember the experiences of other friends that had the same examples—I remember hearing Hadiya student calling A Gurage student ‘Gurage’ as an insult, Gurage calling Tigre student ‘Agame’ or Tigre student calling Hadiya ‘Gudella’ and so on.
 These continued to present date and not only amhara are using these names but all of the ethnic groups use it on one another.
The ruled class amharas didn’t have any derogatory names until the fall of Haile selassie but after the regime change in Ethiopia and the famine incidents that occurred specially in Amhara and other related problems people have started using the Amharic word  ‘AHIYA’, which means Donkey as a derogatory names against them. 
 Giving name to a group specially in Ethiopia has its roots in rivallary. All of the ethnic groups in Ethiopia with special derogatory names are the ones who have challenged and controlled the Amhara region or were autonomous by themselves until the final Unity in 20th century as I have discussed before.
Since only Amharic language has written language the "Ethiopian History" we know is  written from the perspective of the Amharas only.All of the Nations who have controlled the Amharas are portrayed as Pagans and aliens.The way king Motolomi portrayed in The book of Gedle Tekle Haymanot,The way Falasha Queen Yodit portrayed in History books(Yodit-Gudit),the way Gragn Ahmed is portrayed in History Books all account to the perspective of the writers.
King Menelik started using these names intentionally to break the confidence of the dwellers of the new territory.He and his followers were able to do so for nearly 70 years,until the Oppression got its final answer on 1983 E.C.

What will the future of Ethiopia be?
Today is very different from yesterday In Ethiopia. People have secured protection from the constitution regarding their identity, culture, rights and responsibilities. These names are not easy to use any more though people still seen to use them everywhere at some times; they do not have strong negative meaning as the era of amhara-only dominated period.
Every nation is well represented in the current Government; and even the world system today does not allow any kind of Genocide or abuse of one group on another anymore. People have started developing their languages and cultivating their culture. People have their dignity back after the fall of amhara-only Regimes and Juntas.
The future of the country holds equal opportunity and equal respect for all of the nations and nationalities in the territory of Ethiopia. The question of equality is answered for once and all. I don’t think in million years(Until Jesus comes) the coming of new group who will take these elements of the people away and I believe I will be the first to give whatever it takes to save this from happening. We now have a country where we all are equal members with equal Voice. We now have a country where we can learn, where we can have a carrier and family, now we have a country Unified more than ever and started to shine and change every day.
Now we have a country to be proud of –Ethiopia. And we all are brothers and sisters no one should use derogatory names against another group for the better future of this country. We should love all as we would like to be loved.
We have to have the courage to learn about others, to be concerned for others, to be there for others and help them out regardless of their ethnic identity since we have a common identity far greater than our Ethnic group -‘Ethiopian’.
In this group I am proud to wear my cultural close in any part of the country and speak out that I am Wolayta, inside this group I have all the rights to speak my language, use it to different purposes (media, medium of instruction at higher levels), and I serve this group with Honesty and responsibility. For this group I would like to contribute so that my name and the name of my people will always be remembered in the course of History.

All of the ethnic groups had a derogatory names and no one will feel comfortable if these names are use against him in whatever sense. No Hadiya will feel comfortable to be called ‘Gudella’,or kambata will feel to be called ‘Timbaro’, No tigre will feel comfortable to be called ‘Agame’, no Wolayta will feel comfortable to be called ‘wolamo’,no Oromo will feel comfortable to be called ‘Galla’,no Gurage will feel comfortable if the name is used as an insult, no sidama will feel comfortable if the name ’Sidamo’ is used against him, now a day’s no amhara will feel comfortable if called ‘Ahiya’ or ‘Naftegna’ and the rest is also true.
And there is no point in today’s Ethiopia to hurt one another rather we have all the reason to help one another, to care for one another and to change one another. We are brothers and sisters; we are sons and daughters of great land Ethiopia.
We have a region to dominate, a continent to rule, and a universe to control. Even if century old intentions of benefiting more are still there the current world system does not allow this. Any special abuse of one on another can be seen in the other end of the world in minutes, and above all we have a constitution that is the foundation of our today’s existence. Any group who feels like being abused in the country has the right for self determination, this holds us all.

"we have learned from History that it may take days,months and years but finally the oppressors will fall.we are the living proofs for this.But people and groups with good intentions will always live even after death.let us be one of those."

Sagging Questions
We have questions left sagging, we still have a question of equity. Though people are allowed to develop their language, culture, identity, and the like they are not given the same running track slots.
 My grandfather always asked me ‘Ta na7awu wolaytato qalla telebizhine awude dometti?’—which means my son when will the television show in wolaytato language start?
My grandfather was not lucky to see the news in wolaytato language, he was not lucky to hear news from Wolaytato radio, and read wolaytato news paper. But Oromo’s, Amharas, tigres, Afars, Somalis are able to benefit from the change.
Though the people were given the rights to govern them these rights are not given to all equally. Based on the 2007 Census conducted by the Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia (CSA), the Gambela Region has total population of 306,916. Based on figures from the Central Statistical Agency in 2005, Harar has an estimated total population of 122,000, Based on the 2007 Census conducted by the Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia (CSA), the Afar Regional State has a total population of 1,411,092.this all regions are autonomous and their contact is directly with the central government. Sidama with 3,000,000 populations Wolayta with 2,500,000 and etc in the region were not given these rights and still are compressed under one region and have been given new name of a location Debuboch.
This is extremely contradictory to the constitution. A single city dire dawa enjoys TV show and FM broad cast but millions are not given these chances. These are some of the unanswered questions of equity, these are the missing question of unfair treatment, and these are the holes in the implementation of the constitution.
Apart from these and similar sagging question the future of the country is on the hands of each of us. All we from the east, west, north, south and the center, from all of the ethnic groups and individuals have equal share to the goods and bads of the country.

Long live Ethiopia

Long Live Wolayta